opt 끝나기 직전 잡 잡았습니다

  • #161942
    job offer 76.***.62.24 7944

    그동안 OPT 만료기간이 다가오면서 마음고생이 심했는데 끝나기 9일을 남겨두고 직장에서 일을 시작할것 같습니다

    이곳에서 인터뷰 관련 팁들도 받고 그동안 마음을 다지는데 도움이 많이 된것같습니다
    이제 남은것은 OPT에서 일을 시작하는데 필요한 서류 작성과 백그라운드 체크 드럭테스트 등등이 남았네요 6월 1일에 시작하자는데 그 안에 다 마칠지 걱정입니다
    어쨌든 감사드립니다
    • bk 151.***.224.45


    • 구찍자 129.***.20.23

      축하드립니다. 직장에서 좋은 경험쌓고 열심히 일하시기 바랍니다. ^^

      • CARRIE 128.***.45.191

        I only understand how stressful and difficult it must have been because I am currently onthe same boat as you were.
        I would appreciate it if you could contact me and share some advice how you did it because my opt is expiring on July 11th and after rejections after rejections I am getting exhausted but i really dont want to give up just yet…
        I live in New York but i would appreciate it if you could just shoot me an email..
        after going thru all this, i understand how hard it is, so ideally, if i end up finding a job with H-1B sponsorship, I would love to share my experience and help others who are going thru the same thing so that it would be easier for them to go about it.
        my email is carrielee04@gmail.com please email me :)

        once again, congratulations on getting a job!