Electrical Assistant Engineer 신입/ 경력

  • #3792512
    Persona Link 108.***.131.252 161

    Hyundal, Samsung,

    Hyundai(GA), Samsung (TX) 에서 건설 Electrical Assistant Engineer 모집합니다..


    Electrical Assistant Engineer shall be eligible to sign all necessary documents for the electrical works in the construction .site…
    He or she will assist overall electrical works such as conduit, wire, lightings, receptacles, switch boards and generators.
    He or she also must be involved in coordination with the approval/permit process for the project of government authorities and other related parties..

    경력 Minimum Qualifications
    • Education – Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or related area
    • State approved license preferred
    • 3 years experience on live construction site
    • Experience in Electrical Engineering in construction industry preferred
    • Experience with Korean company/culture (preferred)

    경력 Salary: 75K~100K.
    신입 70K~

    [지원 사항]

    이력서: annie@personalink.me