Assistant Operations Manager

  • #3889050
    career 211.***.79.194 365

    미국 소재 한국계 기업

    Job posting expires at 2024-09-30

    채용 포지션: Assistant Operations Manager
    근무지: West Point, GA

    주요 업무
    . Address customer queries and handle concerns on equipment, parts, fleet systems, state policies, training, and rental
    . Initiate equipment and parts procurement by preparing RFQs and obtaining quotations from suppliers.
    . Coordinate with suppliers to fulfill customer and operational requirements.
    . Develop delivery plans with customers & suppliers, inspect loading & unloading sites to mitigate potential issues, and prepare transportation documents.
    . Manage AR invoices, ensuring accuracy and compliance agreements, negotiating with customers on terms, price structures, and queries, and facilitating payment resolutions.
    . Identify reputable suppliers to collaborate with HQ, obtaining approval from division head before presenting quotations to customers.
    . Assist with preparation of meeting materials and schedules, analyze customer/partner data and generate reports for division heads, and support drafting confidential documents, such as LOIs and NDAs.

    . Manage recruitment processes by collecting resumes and coordinating interviews
    . Coordinate employee meetings with customers/suppliers, manage reservations and miscellaneous expenses, report branch issues and compile report materials for management review, and coordinate schedules for VIP visits
    . Review and address general affairs reports and branch issues
    . Facilitate protocol requirements and furnish information about the branch.

    지원 자격
    . 유관 경력 5년 내외
    . H1B 비자 연장 또는 OPT 여유 있으신 분

    지원 서류
    . 영문 이력서

    • 진실나그네 68.***.213.3

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    • KjOB 24.***.56.141

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