Accounting manager / Accounting Staff 모집 Quickbooks 사용자, 신입, 경력1~6년

  • #3774665
    Persona Link 108.***.131.252 231

    한국 대기업

    삼성전자 및 SK 협력 업체에서 회계 직원을 모집합니다!
    Accounting manager / Accounting Staff 모집 Quickbooks 사용자, 신입, 경력1~6년

    회계전공자 우대함.
    신입직원 환영 (OPT, 비자 지원 가능)

    Familiarity with basic accounting principles.
    Excellent knowledge of MS Office.
    Biligual in Korean and English Desirable.

    Structured thinking and understanding.
    Ability to multi-task and be highly organized;
    Consistently approaches work with a positive and constructive attitude;
    Working effectively with others;.
    Strong organization skills with a problem-solving attitude; Demonstrate openness and respond positively to feedback;

    Resume Submission
