생계곤란 F1비자의 EAD

  • #430134
    위키 68.***.196.25 3195

    일전에 F1비자를 가지고 계시는 두아이의 아빠되시는 분이 형편이 어려워져서 어떻게 일할 수 있는 방법이 없느냐고 질문하신 기억이 있는데요, 그때는 제가 잘 몰라서 별 도움이 되는 정보를 못 드렸었던 것 같습니다.

    도움이 될 수 있는 정보가 있어서 적어 드립니다.

    F1비자를 가진 사람이 일할 수 있는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
    1. 학업도중 학교내에서 취업
    2. 방학중, 혹은 학업후 CPT/OPT를 이용한 취업
    3. 학업도중 생계가 곤란할 경우 특별히 학교밖에서 일할 수 있는 EAD를 발급해 주기도 합니다.

    다른 사항이 해당이 안 되실 경우 3번 방법을 한번 알아보시기 바랍니다.

    3번으로 하실 경우 아무 직종이나 다 취업이 가능하게 됩니다. 단 학기중에 20시간 미만으로 일해야 하며 방학중에는 풀타임으로 일할 수 있습니다.

    조건은 “미리 예측하지 못한 경제적 곤란으로 인해서 꼭 취업을 해야 하는 경우, 1년이상 학교를 좋은 성적으로 다녔고, 취업이 학업에 지장을 주지 말아야 한다”로서 그에 대한 정확한 절차는 모르겠지만(DSO의 허가를 받아야 하는 것 같습니다.) 8 C.F.R. 214.2(f)(9)(ii)에 다음과 같은 서술이 있습니다.

    가능한 경제적 곤란이란
    1. 본국의 원조가 끊긴 경우(부모님의 사업 실패라든가..)
    2. 본인의 실수가 아닌 경우로서 RA/TA등의 직업을 잃은 경우
    3. 환율의 변동으로 인한 문제(IMF같은)
    4. 급격한 등록금, 생활비의 인상
    5. 갑작스런 의료비용

    갑자기 경제적 곤란에 처하신 학생분들에게 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 관련되어서 일을 하고 계시는 분 있으면 정보를 공유해주셨으면 합니다.


    8 C.F.R. 214.2(f)(9)(ii) Off-campus work authorization —

    (A) General. An F-1 student may be authorized to work off-campus on a part-time basis in accordance with paragraph (f)(9)(ii)(B) or (C) of this section after having been in F-1 status for one full academic year provided that the student is in good academic standing as determined by the DSO. Part-time off-campus employment authorized under this section is limited to no more than twenty hours a week when school is in session. A student who is granted off-campus employment authorization may work full-time during holidays or school vacation. The employment authorization is automatically terminated whenever the student fails to maintain status. In emergent circumstances as determined by the Commissioner, the Commissioner may suspend the applicability of any or all of the requirements of paragraph (f)(9)(ii) of this section by notice in the Federal Register. (Amended 6/10/98; 63 FR 31872)

    (B) Reserved. (Removed and reserved effective 1/1/03; 67 FR 76256)

    (C) Severe economic hardship. If other employment opportunities are not available or are otherwise insufficient, an eligible F-1 student may request off-campus employment work authorization based upon severe economic hardship caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the student’s control. These circumstances may include loss of financial aid or on-campus employment without fault on the part of the student, substantial fluctuations in the value of currency or exchange rate, inordinate increases in tuition and/or living costs, unexpected changes in the financial condition of the student’s source of support, medicalbills, or other substantial and unexpected expenses.

    (D) Procedure for off-campus employment authorization. Procedure for off-campus employment authorization due to severe economic hardship. The student must request a recommendation from the DSO for off-campus employment. The DSO at a non-SEVIS school must make such a certification on Form I-538, Certification by Designated School Official. The DSO of a SEVIS school must complete such certification in SEVIS. The DSO may recommend the student for work off-campus for one year intervals by certifying that: (Revising paragraph (f)(9)(ii)(D); 67 FR 76256)

    (1) The student has been in F-1 status for one full academic year;

    (2) The student is in good standing as a student and is carrying a full course of study as defined in paragraph (f)(6) of this section;

    (3) The student has demonstrated that acceptance of employment will not interfere with the student’s carrying a full course of study; and

    (4) The student has demonstrated that the employment is necessary to avoid severe economic hardship due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the student’s control pursuant to paragraph (f)(9)(ii)(C) of this section and has demonstrated that employment under paragraph (f)(9)(i) of this section is unavailable or otherwise insufficient to meet the needs that have arisen as a result of the unforeseen circumstances.

    (E) Reserved. (Removed and reserved effective 1/1/03; 67 FR 76256)

    (F) Severe economic hardship application-

    (1) The applicant should submit the economic hardship application for employment authorization on Form I-765, with the fee required by 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1), to the service center having jurisdiction over his or her place of residence. Applicants at a non-SEVIS school should submit Form I-20, Form I-538, and any other supporting materials such as affidavits which further detail the unforeseen circumstances that require the student to seek employment authorization and the unavailability or insufficiency of employment under paragraph (f)(9)(i) of this section. Students enrolled in a SEVIS school should submit the SEVIS Form I-20 with the employment page demonstrating the DSO’s comments and certification. (Paragraph (f)(9)(ii)(F)(1) revised effective 1/1/03; 67 FR 76256)

    (2) The Service shall adjudicate the application for work authorization based upon severe economic hardship on the basis of Form I-20 ID, Form I-538, and Form I-765, and any additional supporting materials. If employment is authorized, the adjudicating officer shall issue an EAD. The Service director shall notify the student of the decision, and, if the application is denied, of the reason or reasons for the denial. No appeal shall lie from a decision to deny a request for employment authorization under this section. The employment authorization may be granted in one year intervals up to the expected date of completion of the student’s current course of study. A student has permission to engage in off-campus employment only if the student receives the EAD endorsed to that effect. Off-campus employment authorization may be renewed by the Service only if the student is maintaining status and good academic standing. The employment authorization is automatically terminated whenever the student fails to maintain status.

    • def 207.***.152.5

      Has anybody worked in the US with the economic hardship?

    • klk 66.***.179.66

      I did during IMF