차 사고 리포트를 받았는데, 누구 잘못인지는 써있지않는데, 한번 읽어봐주세요.

  • #3318011
    아빠 132.***.13.90 1287

    3주전에 Garage 에서 저는 내려오다가, TOM의 차는 올라오다가 사고가 났는데, TOM 이라는 사람이 턴을 하면서 중앙을 넘어오면서 사고가 난건데, 그 내용이 없어요. 제차는 앞에 그릴만 나갔는데, 이것을 리포트를 해야할지 안해야할지 모르겠네요. 상대방은 저의 보험에 아직 리포트를 안했습니다.

    Both TOM and KIM gave me the same explanation of what had occurred. They stated that TOM was traveling up the ramp towards the sixth floor and he was attempting to take a right hand turn, due to the traffic pattern being a right turn only. KIM was attempting to turn right onto the ramp, coming from TOM’s left (it should be noted the ramp is a two way traffic pattern).

    As TOM attempted his turn KIM was coming around the corner at the same time, causing both vehicles to collide. TOM had significant damage to his driver’s side front fender and his vehicle was inoperable due to the fender getting pushed into the tire well. KIM’s vehicle had significant damage to the front of her vehicle (several scratches and damage to the grill), however her vehicle was operable.

    I then assisted both TOM and KIM in exchanging paperwork. I advised them that I would be filing a report and that they should contact their insurance companies to report the accident. I then confirmed with Dispatch that both parties had an active license and registration and they were sent on their way.

    • pwner 75.***.29.85

      1. It reads like KIM is more liable (2nd paragraph first sentence – Kim was coming …, causing both vehicles to collide.
      2. Are you the one who’s driving the vehicle? report suggests Kim is female, but your handle is 아빠
      3. Get a dash cam.

    • 1000111 104.***.210.150

      pwner님이 말한 것 처럼 KIM의 front가 TOM의 driver side를 박았다고 생각되는 리포트네요. 보통 옆을 들이박은 쪽이 책임이 큼니다.

      그리고 pwner님 좋은 말 하셨네요. Get a dash cam.

    • 아빠 132.***.13.90
