Home Job Postings [Virginia] Smart Insurance에서 Receptionist&Administrator 모집합니다.(영주권스폰,OPT가능) This topic has replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Smart Insurance by Solomon Agency. Now Editing “[Virginia] Smart Insurance에서 Receptionist&Administrator 모집합니다.(영주권스폰,OPT가능)” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) Company * Location Expires at Smart Insurance by Solomon Agency에서 Receptionist&Administrator 모집합니다. 많은 지원 부탁드립니다. 근무지역 7535 Little River Tpk, Annandale, VA, 22003 근무일시 월~금(주 5일) 9:00AM ~ 05:30PM Job title Receptionist(Administrator) 주요업무 * Serve visitors by greeting & Answer, screen and transfer incoming phone calls. * office maintanance. * P&C, Health team support. 자격조건 * MS Office(Excel, Word, Outlook)사용 가능자 * 커뮤니케이션에 능통자 * 영어/한국어 이중언어 가능자 * OPT visa 지원 가능 * 영주권 스폰 가능 복지혜택 * 401k * Health & dental insurance * Paid time off & Sick leave * National holiday 10일 지원방법 smartacct@solomonus.com 홈페이지 smart.solomonus.com I agree to the terms of service Update List