• #3521
    CIVIL 63.***.37.100 8467

    I just bought a car, and try to make it like a brand new car.
    I have installed a lot of parts by myself, including

    1. engine mounts (3)
    2. driving belts (2)
    3. Valve cover gasket
    4. P/S hose
    5. Spark Plugs
    6. New 4 tires from Costco
    7. New battery
    8. engine cleaned using Gunk
    9. Remote starter and keyless entry installation in progress, planing to finish as soon as i figure things out.

    -No more oil leak!!!
    -No more vibration during signal stop, this is an automatic transmission.


    1. I have another vibration when the gear is neutral. Its vibration is coming from the steering wheel and driver door. What is this, anyone has any idea? Is it becasue i tigtened bolts and nut too much during mounts installation?

    2. I tried to start the engine using the key, it takes some time to get engine started about 1 sec. I was expecting less than 0.1 sec. Is it becasue of spark plugs or battery?

    3. Have anyone installed the remote starter? Do you know any good website for the installation? This is very confusion to understand the manual, and the electric diagram.

    4. I hear a short noise as soon as i started the engine. It is just a 0.1 sec noise. Seem like the belts have some slipage, something. Any idea?

    • 123 75.***.91.113

      3. install하는 것은 그리 어렵지 않습니다. 아래에 있는 wiring diagram을 보시고 그에 맞는 색깔을 잘 찾으시기만 하면 됩니다.
      <a href=

      4. 벨트 소리같다면 장력조절을 다시 해 보세요.

    • civil 70.***.103.143

      Thanks so much. You are probably right. I am going to adjust the belt tensions.

      How to use the table? what does “items, wire color, Polarity, wire location” means, and how to use those information? Could you please explain me further? Example is the best. I can’t figure it out. This is very difficult to understand for me.

    • 123 75.***.91.113

      알람을 인스톨하는 메뉴얼을 보시면 차의 어떤 어떤 선을 연결하라고 써 있습니다. 거기에 많이 쓰이는 선들의 위치와 색깔이 제가 링크해 드린 데 써 있는 것이고요. 차에 있는 기존 선들을 많이 따야(tap)해야 합니다. 아래 웹에 보시면 t-tap이라고 있는데 이거 있으면 작업이 아주 쉽습니다.
      <a href=

      여기저기 돌아다니시면서 좀 더 리서치를 하셔야 할 것 같습니다. 잘 못 하면 차량 전기쪽을 망가뜨릴 수도 있습니다.

    • civil 70.***.103.143

      thanks a lot. May i ask you some quesiton? How come you know so much about the wiring? it seems like i have to do some research. I guess wiring is not like taking parts out of a car and install new parts.
