My next book

  • #3734023
    brad 24.***.244.132 324

    The Unbrokables: The First 10 out of 80 Reasons Why being Broke Despite Working Hard

    (Not introductory, but real series I)

    Chapter 1-5: Remastered and expanded
    6-10: added

    Release on 11/1/2022

    Paperback, ebook $9.95

    Hardcover $19.95

    Series 1-8 and then the real thick book.

    (27 books total)

    All I lose is Isbn number fee

    ($575 for 100 number)

    I want to be an author of 30 books.

    I cannot wait next 30 years.

    • brad 24.***.244.132

      After this, Diary of a Flaneur series.

    • Tsk tsk 211.***.29.190

      Who cares???????

    • brad 24.***.244.132


    • ㅎㅎ 73.***.196.82

      에이, 거지가…

      • 신념 24.***.114.210

        정확히 말하면 정신병걸린 거지죠.
        책이 잘되서 병을 고쳐야할텐데

    • Donny Simpson 188.***.59.58

      Thanks for great book!

    • quintanbarnes 136.***.19.229

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