
    • 아마존 142.***.63.80

      헬라바마의 그 유명하다는 회사군요

    • G헐 107.***.195.21

      들어가면 인생 망쳐논다는 그 곳…

    • ㅇㅇㅇㅇ 173.***.229.14

      왜들 그러시나요, 그리 나쁜곳도 아닙니다. 본인들이 직접 경헙하고 그런 소리나 하세요

    • Alabama Master 198.***.159.68

      Are you out of your mind?
      You gotta be kidding me right?
      How come you recommend Ajin as the company?
      You just said you should get it go and see what happens then?
      I know everything around Alabama.
      I got a tons of friends who had worked over there.
      10 of 10 told me all the dirt about what’s going on in Ajin
      So many hard ass continuously forces the young employee to stay late like by 10:00 PM even on Sunday
      Furthermore, They play so hard to get driving all members crazy.
      So if you guys really want to go through the ridiculous corporate culture, The answer is over there.
      Keep it up with Ajin, you dickhead

      • dddd 173.***.229.14

        Bro. I’ve worked there myself. yes there is some up and downs but let me explain this shit for you all, so you can get this shit straight.

        First of all, what I wanted to tell these people was that, if you haven’t worked there, stop talking shit with all the things you’ve just heard because that just makes you a person who got nothing to do other than comment on something that you’ve heard from someone and haven’t gone through yourself really.

        secondly, what I meant was that, yes I know all about working long hours, and there is up and downs and shit but the thing is they do have many rewarding programs, and they reward their employees for things that they do. how many companies do that really these days? apple? samsung? this company was in the national TV for rewarding their employees really well and as a employee who worked at this company I can tell you that 100% of what they talked about was true dawg.

        now let’s talk about the pay. this is really all up to the individuals, experience, and shit. if this is your first job out of college, or first job not out of high school, it dont matter where you go, you will always be a thug of the company, and not get well treated for any kinda shit you do. but even at AJIN, if you got a lot of experience, they will pay pretty well and they wont say nuttin to you bc if you leave early or something. it’s really all about who you are, and what you can do for the company so don’t even complain.

        one thing I do agree is the lifestyle living around there. but thats not just for AJIN that goes out to all companies in alabama. yes living in alabama sucks! but what I’m tryin to say is that you can’t blame that shit on AJIN man.

    • 탄광 172.***.4.128

      막장, 어두운 곳이죠.

    • 그렇지 23.***.49.237


    • 깡촌 107.***.18.10

      아진은 여기서는 직원 채용 못 할 것 같습니다. 악플이 장난이 아니네요

    • 1234567890 169.***.0.254

      말 다했지모 여기는 사람구해주는 업체들도 도망가는 업체인대모..

    • ㄷㄷ 67.***.41.188

      도대체 어떤 곳이길래…ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

    • Pppppp 107.***.195.21

      댓글 삭제 왜 하심???
      차장들이 밑에 신분 없는 애들 등쳐 먹는곳!!!
      백년 차장은 안 바뀌고 밑에 애들만 물갈이
      머리부터 썩음…
      회식때 음주운전 여러명 걸려서 나몰라라 계속 회식 ㅋㅋ
      그지동네라 대리기사도 없어

    • 망해라 24.***.247.201

      댓글 삭제는 누가하는거야?

    • 댓글 174.***.2.242

      작성자 본인만 가능 할걸요?

    • 망해라 24.***.247.201

      그럼 이쓰레기 작성자가 아니꼬운 댓글은 삭제하는거구만

    • 댓글 75.***.248.39

      댓글 작성한분 이겠지요

    • 여긴…. 174.***.241.237

      여긴 진짜 답없죠….
      아진 우신 둘다 직원들 대하는것부터 답이없습니다. 진짜 사람 어떻게 구할려고 저렇게 운영하는지..
      술마실떈 단체생활 음주걸리면 개인일ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • ㅠㅠ 172.***.175.125

      위에 아진 괜찮다고하는 흑인댓글까지도 살벌하게느껴져요…ㅠㅠ

    • Rrrr 69.***.186.185

      Ajin for life. They are the best company. All people who went trhough this company has become successful lets go ajin ajin usa for life

    • 1 75.***.132.156
    • Pppppp 107.***.195.21

      얼렁 포스팅 내리지 ㅉㅉ

      • ssads 173.***.229.14

        대체 왜 내립니까? 이 회사 충분히 사람구하는 글 올릴만한 자격 있는 회사 입니다. 모르면 가만히 잇으세요

    • 망해라 24.***.247.201

      아무리 악플달려고, 궁한사람은 지원하고 일하겠죠.
      그리고 곧 후회하겠죠.
      그동안 회사는 그사람을 될때까지 뽑아먹는거고.
