혼다 신형 hrv 디자인 자연엔진등은 좋은데 문제가 있어 보이네요

  • #3703107
    혼다 75.***.155.52 2324

    It looks nice, and has some interesting features, but it also seems like a step backwards. I owned a current-model CRV, which seems so much more capable than this new HRV.

    The new HRV is almost as big as the current CRV (just one or two inches smaller in each dimension), yet it is far less capable. It looks like it has less front legroom, significantly less rear legroom, and the cargo capacity is almost 40% lower (less than 25 cubic ft vs 39.2 cubic ft in the CRV).

    Plus the engine is significantly weaker and it doesn’t get any better gas mileage.

    And pricing is almost the same as the CRV.

    Sooo, what’s the point exactly? Nicer infotainment system, some fancy-looking stitching, and interior LED lights? I’m really not sure what’s the point of this thing.

    가장이상한건 연비가 더큰 씨알브이하고 비숫하거나 떨어질거라는거
    크기는 커졌지만 씨알브이에비해 내부 공간이 훨씬 적다는거
    자연엔진 이라는거에 파워가 약해도 이걸 살까하는 마음이 있었는데
    연비 내부공간 만 봐도 씨알브이로 넘어가야 겠네요

    2.0 엔진 유튜브 댓글에 장점으로

    길게봣을때 관리가 편하다
    오일체인지를 1.5터보 마냥 자주 않해줘도 된다

    라고 말하는데 결국 가격차이가 얼마냐에 따라 달라지겠네요

    • X 47.***.234.227


    • 음… 104.***.117.158

      CRV도 작긴 마찬가지.
