미국내 대기업과 주립대(non-top school) 교수직 (EE)

  • #147528
    EE 129.***.100.195 6573

    EE 박사 졸업 예정입니다.
    미국내 대기업과 주립대 교수중 어디로 진로를 잡는게 나을까요?
    어딜가도 적응할 수 있을 정도로 둘다 매력이 있고
    관심이 있긴합니다만…. 참 어렵군요.

    기업체는 급여가 많고 많이 배우는 반면 짤릴 위험도 항상 있고..
    학교는 급여는 적은 편이고.. tenure받기 위한 노력과 펀드 따기 위한 노력을 해야하고.. 그렇지만 아무래도 자유스럽고 tenure받으면 종신직이니까 안정적일수 가 있겠지요..

    제가 생각하고 있는 장단점외에 고려해야할 사항이 있는지…
    선배님들의 조언 부탁드립니다…


    • 147.***.1.53

      please ask this question at http://www.hibrain.net , the road to professor.

    • kk 131.***.206.31

      본인 성격 문제가 아닐까요..경쟁적인 셩격이시면 회사에 한푶, 자신과의 싸움만 좋아하시면 교수에 한푶, 그리고 도시에서 살고싶으시면 회사에 한푶, 시골레서 살고싶으시면 교수에 한푶..학교는 거의 시골에만 잇으므로 ..제 남편은 저따라 이시골로 왔는데요 ..거의 저보고 학교 도시로 있ㄴ느데로 바꾸라고 노래합니다. 그런데 그게 마음대로 되야 말이지요..

    • kk 131.***.206.31

      그리고 한가지 더하면 EE과에 저희학교에는 중국인 교수는 많은데 한국인은 하면도 없더군요.. 저는 학교쪽으로 한분이라도 더 오시는것을 바랍니다.

    • fdd 216.***.14.102

      You already knows the general guide. One more thing that you should consider is “can you get projects and contribute to the university with money?”. If you are a candidate for other department, it may be o.k. However, professors in engineering departments(especially EE) need to get some kind of project.
      Professor as a job may sound great. However, even my US friend says “professor is a dirty job and there are always people who tries to put a dagger on your back”
      If you are a fresh Ph.D. in US, I recommend you to go to some R&D center and broaden your experience and try to meet other people. Usually, the working environment of US company is very good, not that tough and you can pay attention to your job only.(in most cases)

      Actually, these are two major reasons that I hesitate to go to university. (I also have Ph.D. in EE)

    • SD.Seoul 137.***.208.125

      Why don’t you apply for both now?
      It would not be too late if you ask the very same
      question, only once you get offered from any of them.

      One of the advantages in apply-first-think-later is that
      during the interview process you will find out what you like better.

      In case it turns out you like both, always follow your spouse’s opinion.

    • SD.Seoul 137.***.208.125

      And there is no difference between top school
      and non-top school 주립대 교수직,
      as long as the “job description” is the same.

      In fact, it is easier to survive in top-school
      because they will support you reasonably better,
      “if you can get the job”.

      Think this way.
      It is much easier to earn Ph.D. from MIT,
      rather than not-so-good school in Korea.
      By “easier”, I don’t mean the effort you should put.
      but the way you manage to graduate.
      For example, you may earn Ph.D. in 4 years in MIT,
      but it takes at least 7 years in Korea.
      In MIT all you have to do is to study and research,
      in Korea you should do a lot more than that.

      Good luck.

    • Musim 143.***.124.1

      Can I second this? – ‘In case it turns out you like both, always follow your spouse’s opinion.’

    • KIKi 65.***.17.23

      I think you should start to your carrier at a firm and get experienced for 3-5 years. Then go back to school for good.

    • EE 129.***.100.195

      많은 좋은 답변들에 감사드립니다.
