In which state are you most likely to have your ID stolen?

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Scammers commonly say “your id was forged and was found in a crime in (South) Texas.

Why do they keep referring to Texas? Is it because the sate is the number one for id theft?

That is the initial question and I created this animated data visualization based upon available data.

It turned out it is not in Texas. Then, which state?

If you’re interested in this kind of data visualization, take a look.

뭔 말씀을 드려야 할까. 요즘은 한국 중학생 애들도 이런 말도 안되는 말은 안할텐데… 딱 10학년 즈음에 부모랑 같이 먹고 살 길이 없어서 도피이민와서는 고등학교에서도 어영부영 중졸로 쫒겨나서는 부모가 하는 편의점이나 몇년 도우면 이런 영어 할거요.