Purchase of a Franchise

  • #290300
    Soongsan 68.***.163.124 2568

    I’m a H-1 visa holder with my wife being a H-4 visa holder. I have SSN and Tax ID. I’m interested in purchasing a franchise and set up a C-corporation to run it. I wonder if it is illegal as a H-1 visa holder. Appreciate your kind information.

    • Passing 65.***.116.235

      As far as I know, a H-1 visa holder should not get any income from any other company except the one “specified” in your visa. However you can own and run C-corporation in US. Please consult with your lawyer.

    • …. 68.***.105.183

      You can own and run C-corporation but should take income as a form of dividend or share. You can find more information about this in the past postings.