상상하기 힘든 미국인 – 걸어서 7번이상 미국을 횡단한 여인

  • #170645
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    상상하기 힘든 인생이군요.
    어떻게 굶어죽지 않고 얼어죽지 않고 짐승에 물려죽지 않고 살아남았을지…
    She had no organizational backing, carried no money, and would not even ask for food or shelter. When she began her pilgrimage she had taken a vow to “remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food.”

    아래는 그녀의 어록중에 하나라고 하네요, 

    Peace Pilgrim Quote of the Month for October 2013

    On the day before her death in 1981, Peace Pilgrim was asked in an interview how things had changed since she began walking in 1953…

    “Things have changed a good deal since then, but I will say one thing has not changed and that is my peace message. It still remains: This is the way of peace—overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. That’s still the message that I’m carrying after all these years.Well you see, we haven’t learned to live it yet. The key word for our times is really practice. It isn’t more light we need, it’s putting into practice what light we already have. When we do that, wonderful things will happen within our lives and within our world.”

    Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work In Her Own Words – page 186

    • 그러네요 68.***.178.221

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      일상생활에서 그게 안된다면 글쎄요 정말로 배낭하나 짊어지고 훌훌 길을 떠나면 그런 삶을 살 수 있으려나…