[구직] Stress Analysis & Finite Element Analysis /Mechanical Engineering

  • #149478
    올드보이 59.***.20.4 7146

    •Over 10 years FEA code development and application experiences
    •In-depth knowledge in stress, thermal stress, structural analysis
    •Extensive knowledge of FEA, various numerical techniques for structure analysis
    •Fortran, C, JAVA, Basic, HTML

    OJBECTIVE – An Engineering/Research position in the field of Structural and Finite Element Analysis

    H1, Green Card 없구요. 가방끈은 아주 깁니다…. 40대 초반이구요. 현재는 국내 대기업에서 재직중입니다만…. 구직이 될려는지요? 요즘 상황은 어떤지요? 솔직한 의견 부탁드려요.