
  • #3316398
    protogonist 66.***.60.166 610

    It determines how extensions in certificate requests should be handled. If set to none or this option is not present, then extensions are ignored and not copied to the certificate. If set to copy, then any extensions present in the request that are not already present are copied to the certificate. If set to copyall, then all extensions in the request are copied to the certificate: if the extension is already present in the certificate it is deleted first.

    In the end, kids will be satisfied with whatever result they get.

    • 채ㅡㅔㄷ 96.***.20.11

      탑 스쿨의 경우 원글과 같은 스펙의 학생은 너무나도 많이 지원하기 때문에 그냥 일반적인 스토리라고 보면 됩니다.

      첫 아이를 대학에 보내는 학부모는 약간 쇼킹할 수도 있겠네요.
