Sevis 에서Broadcast Message 받으신 분

  • #3223693
    ㅇㅇㅇ 108.***.140.2 1105

    OPT 기간이신 분들 중에 이런 메일 받으신 분 있나요? General 한 notice 인지 궁금해서요.

    Broadcast Message: Reporting Volunteer Positions During OPT Employment

    To: Students on OPT

    Date: May 18, 2018

    Re: Reporting Volunteer Positions During OPT Employment

    Number: 1805-01

    General Information

    Volunteer positions that are not directly related to your course of study do not qualify as optional practical training (OPT) and must not be listed as OPT employment. Reporting non-qualifying volunteer opportunities as OPT employment will be deemed a violation of your reporting requirements and subject you to removal from the United States.

    In addition, non-qualifying volunteer positions do not stop the accrual of unemployment which is limited to a total of 90 days during OPT. Accordingly, if you have been unemployed for more than 90 days, you must leave the United States or be subject to removal even if you have volunteered while unemployed.

    Note: A volunteer position does not meet the conditions of a science, technology, engineering and mathematics OPT extension. Any questions related to qualifying OPT employment or accrual of unemployment should be discussed with your designated school official (DSO) or addressed to the SEVP Response Center by calling 800-892-4829 or emailing


    To comment on this Broadcast Message, please email with “Broadcast Message 1805-01 Comment” entered in the subject line.


    This Broadcast Message is not a substitute for applicable legal requirements, nor is it itself a rule or a final action by SEVP. It is not intended to, does not, and may not be relied upon to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any administrative, civil or criminal matter.

    • 지나가다 104.***.3.253

      저 받았습니다

    • 합격 174.***.4.126

      혹시 발런티어하고 계세요? 저는 못 받았는데 메일

      • ㅇㅇ 71.***.214.28

        아니요 저도 풀타임으로 일하고 있어요.

    • H1b 174.***.3.127

      저도 메일 받았어요. 지금 회사에서 풀타임으로 일하고 있는데 받아서 그냥 제네럴한 메일이려니 했어요.
