sbs international 복지나 연봉얼만지 아시는분 있나요??

  • #3289983
    Andrew 131.***.248.103 874

    지금 LA SBS 에서 경영관리팀 채용하던데 관련정보가 하나도 없어서 답답하네요,,,
    혹시 복지나 연봉 등 아무 정보라도 알고계시는분 없나요ㅠ

    • advice 104.***.53.64

      Apply it anyway.
      Get the offer and ask the information.
      If you are satisfied with salary + benefits take the offer. If not, just decline the offer.
      Please don’t worry about any salary or benefit until you have the offer.

      • Andrew 68.***.209.28

        Thx for your advice
        whatever it is i will apply as you said.

      • mm 73.***.109.251

        That does not sound like a smart thing to do- why would you spend that much effort and time to get an offer from a company that you wouldn’t have applied to if you had these information?

        • advice 104.***.53.64

          Andrew asked the question probably because he wants to move out from the current company. He might learn something new and prepare for other interviews in the future during the preparation.
          I also spend time to prepare and take many interviews for the future. the effort and time to prepare the interview is always worth something.
