Renters’ (Tenants’) Insurance

  • #289683
    FYI 63.***.129.39 2590

    To answer a question about Renters’ Insurance;

    It is an insurance to cover the tenants for events like these.
    In case you cause a fire to the house you are renting,it covers the repair expense. If a burglar steals your valuables,it covers it. etc.
    In most contracts, the landlords recommand it to protect their houses but it is not mandatory as far as I know. But I think your landlord might request for it specifically. Why don’t you read the rental contract thoroughly and find out if it is mandatory in your case? Most companies who have home owners insurance would sell tenants’ insurance. Get estimates and coverage details from three well-known companies and choose one. You could call any local broker’s office or do it by searching on-line. Allstate, Farmers, State Farms are examples of big ones.