Product Engineer – Full Time

  • #3315604
    Royal Sovereign International 47.***.210.90 411

    Royal Sovereign International

    Product Engineer
    Company Overview
    RSI was established in North New Jersey in 1986 and has been a worldwide leader in appliances, office products, and graphic solutions. We take pride in providing innovative technology, competitive pricing, quality control, and the best customer and product support available today. With over 30yrs experience, we are a socially responsible global leader and innovator of home and workplace solutions

    Position summary
    This role will play a key role in the various improvement initiatives in North America. This role is expected to actively seek continuous improvement supporting the research & development of product.

    Title: Product Engineer
    Location: North New Jersey (2 Volvo Drive, Rockleigh, NJ 07647)
    Hours: 8:30 AM ~5:30 PM (Mon~Fri)
    Position status: Full-time
    Responsibilities include, but are not limited to
    • Design, testing, validation and verification of new product designs and product improvements
    • Coordinate and execute various testing ex) functional, performance, field, usability, spec-verification and issue reproductions etc. to verify and detect defects
    • Failure analysis and root cause analysis of failing product with identification of solutions and implementation of changes to effectively improve product quality performance
    • Assists in investigating customer complaints, including evaluation of retains, returned product, and major components to help determine concern validity and investigate root cause
    • Participates in special department projects as needed
    • Preparation and implementation quality control work standards
    • Report and follow-up on quality concerns
    • Support the research & development of product
    • Document establishment, review and approval
    • Ability to prioritize and handle multiple assignments occurring simultaneously
    • Detail-oriented / Professional knowledge of general business principles
    • A positive working attitude that is quick to adapt to the multicultural corporate environment
    • 기능/성능 시험, 현장 시험, 사용적합성 시험, 규격 검증 시험 등의 내부 결함 검증
    • 보유, 반품 제품 및 Parts에 대한 평가, 고객 불만 사항 조사를 통한 문제의 유효성을 확인,
    근본 원인을 파악하고 조사하도록 지원
    • 품질 문제 보고 및 후속 조치
    • 제품의 연구 및 개발 지원
    • 필요시, 타부서 프로젝트에 참여

    채용분야 및 응시자격
    – 채용분야 : Product Engineer
    – 채용인원 : 1명
    – 응시자격 :
    o 영주권 또는 시민권자로 취업에 결격사유가 없으신 분
    o Engineering 에 대한 이해도가 높으며, 한국어 및 영어에 능통한 분
    o 운전면허증 소지자
    o 관련 업무 유경험자 우대
    – 면접 일시는 서류심사 후 합격자에 한해 개별통지하며, 채용예정자는 소정의 수습기간을 거쳐 채용여부 결정
    – 제출 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.

    – Email :