Letter from American friend regading the election

  • #290090
    CAE 198.***.56.5 2752

    This is a letter I got from my American friend.
    I’m posting this because what she is talking is really same with my thoughts.

    Hello !

    I’ve been thinking of all my friends from other countries,
    especially after the recent election — since this was an election
    that affects not just Americans but the people of the whole planet.

    My husband and I both voted for Kerry and are immensely saddened.
    I’ve been asking myself: WHY???

    Why did the majority of Americans vote for Bush?? They supposedly
    voted for “moral values”! What does this mean, “moral values”?
    Is lying a moral value? Is starting a war a moral value? Is
    profiting from war a moral value? What about torture?
    Imprisoning innocent people? The killing of 100,000 innocent

    By re-electing Bush, the American people have essentially given
    their stamp of approval for all of the above. Now Bush and his
    buddies are free to do more of the same and worse. They have nothing
    to lose now…I can’t imagine another 4 years with Bush in power!

    The majority of American people voted for Bush because of 3 factors:
    ignorance (of the world, other cultures, history, workings of
    politics), fear (from 9/11), and religious conservatism.
    Bush and his buddies have exploited these 3 factors brilliantly.

    The American people did not vote based on facts and reality,
    because they are ignorant and brainwashed. Such people do not
    deserve to be citizens of the world’s “superpower.”

    When will the American people wake up??? Sooner or later,
    they will have to pay the price and suffer the consequences.
    But unfortunately, innocent people in other countries
    (who had no vote) will also be affected — thanks
    to the ignorance of a few million people.
    I fear for this country and the world.

    • kk 131.***.206.31

      그런이유로 kerry가 좀 더 분명한 반전 메세지를 전했더라면 많은 젊은이들이 투표를 했을뗀데 이런것을 부각시키지못한 것이 잘못일수 있겠고 아니면 민주당 조차도 부시랑 비슷한부류 일수 있고요.

    • 뉴욕 24.***.134.254

      케리가 명확히 반전을 내세우지도, 부시를 확실히 몰아세우지 못한것도 미국의 선거 제도의 문제점 때문이라 봅니다. 반전같은 확실히 차별화 시켜서 선거하지 않는 젊은세대를 투표에 끌어 들일 room이 없잖아요. 결국은 무엇이 가장 좋은 세개 주의 부동층을 꼬시는 방법이냐로 메세지 수준을 정하다 보니 결가가 이렇게 된것 같습니다. 한국의 노무현은 성공했잖아요.