[주식] What makes you think you can tell the direction?

  • #3305039
    치매개미 67.***.125.22 471

    Then what makes you think you can tell the direction?

    치매개미 67.***.125.22

    I do not claim that I can foretell the direction.

    But I do know one thing for sure, which is there’s an enormous bubble in this stock market;
    What goes up irrationally must come down eventually. But I do not know when.

    If the stock price keeps going up without any corrections, I would never chase the crazy band wagon.

    My rationale :
    The current stock market has been artificially propped up and seem to be being manipulated.
    When they run out of manipulation tools some day, the market will tumble and tumble for a considerable period.

    • pwner 75.***.141.242

      Still, you’re not answering the question.

      You claim that we’re in a ‘enourmous bubble’, but you can’t back up your claim with numbers. You can’t even make a qualitative argument except that you feel like we’re in a bubble.

      • 치매개미 67.***.125.22

        I am too old to collect and present that kind of stuff here.

        Why don’t you search yourself those numbers; there are more than plenty of such numbers out there.
        For instance, you can refer to the Buffet Indicator or Index. (I do not recall the correct term Buffet used).

        Bye for now.
        I got to go shopping.

        • pwner 75.***.141.242

          No, you’re too lazy and ignorant to do your own fundamental research.

          If you can’t do it, you have no business in ‘investing’ in stock, let alone talking about any of it on public forum. It’s just noise.

    • 치매개미 67.***.125.22

      Before hitting the road, let me advise you to consider the following terms and find out what they mean for the current stock market:

      Plunge Protection Team,
      Reversal of the Fed’s Quantitative Tightening, Fed’s Repeated Promise to be patient,
      President Trump’s explicit request to buy stocks, massive purchase of stocks by pension funds after Christmas etc.

      Noise or not, I think I am allowed to post my opinion here. Am I wrong?

      I really got to go now. I’ll be back later.
