유명 기업들이 채용하고 싶어하는 대학 탑 20

  • #3293184
    리크루터 167.***.225.6 2373

    [한글 번역]

    유명 기업들이 채용하고 싶어하는 대학 탑 20

    Kate Beckman
    November 26, 2018

    #3위를 차지한 대학에 놀라실 수도.

    아이비 리그 (Ivy League) 대학들은 대졸 신입레벨 직원 채용을 위한 최고의 학교들이라고 알려져 있으며, 명망 높은 회사들이 신입사원을 채용하기 위해 매년 아이비 리그 대학들의 캠퍼스를 방문하고 있습니다. 그러나 아이비 리그의 명성에도 불구하고 아이비 리그 대학들 만이 최고 수준의 신입레벨 직원들을 찾을 수 있는 유일한 곳은 아닙니다.

    – 중간 번역 생략 –

    조사 결과 아이비 리그 및 대입 합격률이 낮은 대학들에 대한 기업들의 선호가 (여전히) 높다는게 밝혀졌지만, 버지니아 대학과 하워드 대학 처럼 (그렇지 않음에도 불구하고) 탑 10에 진입한 대학도 있습니다. (하워드 대학은 Black Harvard라는 별명으로 유명한 흑인 위주의 대학입니다. – 퍼온이 주)

    1. Stanford: 72.4% Accepted by Recruiters
    2. MIT: 70.4% Accepted by Recruiters
    3. U of Virginia: 70.1% Accepted by Recruiters
    4. Harvard: 69.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    5. Duke: 67% Accepted by Recruiters
    6. Dartmouth: 66.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    7. Northwestern: 66.5% Accepted by Recruiters
    8. Princeton: 65.2% Accepted by Recruiters
    9. Yale: 64.9% Accepted by Recruiters
    10. Howard: 64.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    11. Columbia: 64.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    12. UC Berkeley: 63.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    12. UPenn: 63.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    12. Washu: 63.8% Accepted by Recruiters
    15. UCLA: 63.7% Accepted by Recruiters
    16. U of Texas Austin: 63.6% Accepted by Recruiters
    17. U of Michigan Ann Arbor: 63.5% Accepted by Recruiters
    18. Syracuse: 63.1% Accepted by Recruiters
    19. U of Connecticut: 62.4% Accepted by Recruiters
    20. Brown: 61.9% Accepted by Recruiters


    [영어 원문]

    The 20 Best Universities For Early-Career Talent, According to Recruiters

    Kate Beckman
    November 26, 2018

    #3 might surprise you.

    Ivy League universities are often thought of as the crown jewel of early-career and entry-level recruitment, drawing prestigious companies to campus year after year. But despite the reputation Ivy Leagues have for top talent, they aren’t the only place to find qualified entry-level and early-career candidates.

    RippleMatch automatically matches qualified candidates with entry-level positions and internships and screens candidates for initial interest. After reviewing candidates` profiles, recruiters that use our platform are able to reject or accept matched candidates into their interview process. We analyzed data across tens of thousands of interactions and found that students from certain universities were much more likely to to receive a first round interview than students from other universities.

    Examining the composite data from the university recruiters that use our platform, we’ve identified the top 20 universities for early-career talent. We identified the top schools as those with the highest percentage of candidates “accepted” into a company`s interview process by recruiters from all industries, ranging from finance to consulting to manufacturing to technology.

    The results reveal a preference for Ivy Leagues and colleges with low acceptance rates, but schools such as the University of Virginia and Howard University also cracked the top 10. Read on for the full results.

    1. Stanford University – 72.4% of Stanford Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Stanford, CA

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 7,062

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 4% (Stanford University has since announced it will no longer publicize its acceptance rate)

    2019 US News Ranking: #7

    2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 70.4% of MIT Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Cambridge, MA

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 4,547

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 6.7%

    2019 US News Ranking: #3

    3. University of Virginia – 70.1% of UVA Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Charlottesville, VA

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 16,655

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 29.8%

    2019 US News Ranking: #25

    4. Harvard University – 69.8% of Harvard Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Cambridge, MA

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,766

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 4.59%

    2019 US News Ranking: #2

    5. Duke University – 67% of Duke Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Durham, NC

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,692

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 8.3%

    2019 US News Ranking: #8

    6. Dartmouth College – 66.8% of Dartmouth Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Hanover, NH

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 4,410

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 8.7%

    2019 US News Ranking: #12

    7. Northwestern University – 66.5% of Northwestern Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Evanston, IL

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 8,278

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 8.4%

    2019 US News Ranking: #10

    8. Princeton University – 65.2% of Princeton Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Princeton, NJ

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 5,394

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 5.5%

    2019 US News Ranking: #1

    9. Yale University – 64.9% of Yale Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: New Haven, CT

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 5,746

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 6.3%

    2019 US News Ranking: #3

    10. Howard University – 64.8% of Howard Candidates Accepted by Recruiters

    Location: Washington, DC

    Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,354

    Admissions Acceptance Rate: 31.6%

    2019 US News Ranking: #89

    From Stanford University to Howard University, these are the top 10 universities for early-career talent according to our data collected from the recruiters that use our platform. The list below rounds out the top 20 universities for early-career talent.

    11. Columbia University – 64.8% of Columbia Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    12. University of California, Berkeley – 63.8% of UC Berkeley Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    12. University of Pennsylvania – 63.8% of UPenn Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    12. Washington University in St. Louis – 63.8% of Wash U Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    15. University of California, Los Angeles – 63.7% of UCLA Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    16. University of Texas at Austin – 63.6% of UT Austin Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    17. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – 63.5% of University of Michigan Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    18. Syracuse University – 63.1% of Syracuse University Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    19. University of Connecticut – 62.4% of UConn Candidates Accepted by Recruiters
    20. Brown University – 61.9% of Brown University Candidates Accepted by Recruiters


    • 워싱턴저널조사 107.***.68.49

      Below are the Top 25 schools whose graduates were the top-rated by recruiters.

      1. Pennsylvania State University
      2. Texas A&M University
      3. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
      4. Purdue University
      5. Arizona State University
      6. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
      7. Georgia Institute of Technology
      8. University of Maryland, College Park
      9. University of Florida
      10. Carnegie Mellon University
      11. Brigham Young University
      12. Ohio State University
      13. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
      14. Cornell University
      15. University of California – Berkeley
      16. University of Wisconsin, Madison
      17. University of California, Los Angeles
      18. Texas Tech
      19 (tie). North Carolina State University, Raleigh
      19 (tie). University of Virginia
      21. Rutgers University, New Brunswick
      22. University of Notre Dame
      23. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
      24. University of Southern California
      25. (tie) Washington State University
      25. (tie) University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

    • 워싱턴저널조사 107.***.68.49
    • 24.***.123.18

      큰 회사들은 뽑고 싶은 대학교 명단이 대부분 있을 것으로 여겨집니다. 내가 전에 다니던 회사는 전 세계 유명 대학까지 명단에 다 있었습니다. 전공에 따라 명단이 다를 수 있는데, 명단에 없는 학교에서 지원하는 졸업자는 취업이 쉽지 않았던 것으로 압니다. 또한 졸업 학점과 과목이 중요했지요. 다행이 경험직은 출신 학교를 중요하게 보지 않았습니다.

    • 강강 73.***.145.22

      우리는 뽑고 싶은 학교를 제한 하는건 아녜요. 그냥 제한된 시간에 리쿠르팅 하는데 갈 수 있는 곳에 한계가 있으니 학교 리스트를 만듭니다. 그런데 커리어 페어에 가면 주변의 ‘후진’ 학교에서 오는 애들도 있어요. 우린 학교 차별 안합니다. 그런 애들 중에 작년에 온사이트 받은 애도 있었어요.

    • 뽑기 47.***.36.151

      맘 속으로 선호하는 학교는 있어도 출신 학교로만 채용하는 회사는 없지. 후보자 고르다 보면 역시 이 학교 출신이네 그런 거 정도. 그리고 저 랭킹에 있는 학교들 우리가 이미 좋다고 아는 학교들이 대부분. 즉 진짜 쓸데 없는 랭킹.

    • 직장 108.***.131.187

      결국 어느학교를 졸업하는가의 문제가 아니고 졸업하는 아이의 실력이 취업하기에 충분한가가 중요한거 같습니다. 인터뷰기회는 선호 학교위주로 높을수는 있어도 결국 실력이 안되면 취업이 안됩니다.